> FleetBroadband > Main Features
Main Features
Enjoy faster & more cost-effective data
FleetBroadband is offering diverse practical application services, "Always-On" telephone call and High speed data communication, to fully satisfy our customers, men in sea service and marine enterprizes.
FleetBroadband is offering integrated link with the newest IP technology and also offering the existing curcuit exchage method of voice call and data communication together.

Satellite internet connection (Standard IP)
- Up to 432kbps internet connection speed (Shared Channel)
- Web Connection, E-mail, Web-mail, file forwarding with high capacity, remote connection solution, etc.
- AutoCharte update, Realtime Weather Charte Download, Software update through Internet.
Exclusive Line (Streaming IP)
- Be contrary to Standard IP, Streaming IP is offering Shared Channel,
this service guarentees communication speed with exclusive line service (up to 256kbps)
- Offering high quality of voice call seamlessly as clear as it can
- Rate is much cheaper than the existing satellite voice call
- Withouth any separate practical application, only using basic software, you can send SMS TEXT to all kinds of mobile phone
- Offering G3 Fax service through 3.1Khz Audio Channel
- Available to use electronic fax service with Standard IP service
- Available to use electronic fax service with Standard IP service